
Saturday, November 13, 2004

Saturday the first day

I don`t like at all the idea of a blog, but I`m going to try to use for my proyect school and to try to ghange a little the way of thinking`bout the topics I think we have to something.
*One day
Today was a cool saturday, ´cause I went to visit my grandmother, and we stayed a lot of time. Then we go to the supermarket. Finally we come to my house, so I saw "spiderman" and played one game with my brother. It was a cool saturday, and I wish that tomorrow comes best.
I have two pets and it are a cat and a dog, they are so pretties, and I love them as much as I can, but there`s people that have pets and they don`t take care `bout the animals that they have, and that stuff annoyed me a lot, `cause I love nature, and if we don`t want that the short life of the Earth end here, we have to do all posible as we can.


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