
Tuesday, August 02, 2005


Sorry for not writing you. This have been the best vacations in all my life!!!
On this vacations I went to the exposition of the Egipcian, and it was great!!! cause I love the egipcians, wow at the moment I saw the things they do, It was like a dream come true. I saw a maraton of Juanes. I went to six flags, and I terrorize the city and all the people in the city :P and I saw a lot of funny movies that I have´t seen before like: Kung Pow, Bruce Almighty, Matrix, fantastic four, Star wars the retourn of the sid. Writing you later.


At September 27, 2006 at 4:37 PM, Blogger Ana said...

Hey! Rachel, I'm hoping you to post soon. Youre blog its quite great, as you, of course, but you haven't writted anything since last year. Come on. I know you're life is great, so, continue, cause here you have a constant reader ;) hey. smile! As always....

Your mega friend (I hope) Anne Maf. Mary Mercedes OF THE NABO... well... you understand.


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