
Tuesday, August 02, 2005


Sorry for not writing you. This have been the best vacations in all my life!!!
On this vacations I went to the exposition of the Egipcian, and it was great!!! cause I love the egipcians, wow at the moment I saw the things they do, It was like a dream come true. I saw a maraton of Juanes. I went to six flags, and I terrorize the city and all the people in the city :P and I saw a lot of funny movies that I have´t seen before like: Kung Pow, Bruce Almighty, Matrix, fantastic four, Star wars the retourn of the sid. Writing you later.

Thursday, May 05, 2005


This month I have gone went to many part´s:
First I went to my far away cousin Alejandra´s XV parT, and it was very cool!!!!!, There played all kind of music but more electronic; the dinner was delicious, the only thing that I don´t like was the salad was horrible!!!; the bals and the other songs she dance where incredible; and the most amazing thing were that a guy who I saw 1 time on the t.v. go to the parT and dance very cool, he paint his body at color gray and his eyes.
On the Friday my in my school we celebrate the day of the student, and It was cool, a band go and played very cool.
The last Saturday was my best friend birthday´s parT (Chel), and It was cool, cause Claudia, Leslie, Nuria, Felipe and I sleep in her house, and Claudia fix the hair of Felipe and he look Incredible like a very bad guy ;) And I have fun all the time.
Today was a great day cause I saw one friend that I haven´t seen like 2 year or more, so the Tuesday I call her, and inveted her to my house, and she arrived to my house at 12:15 p.m. and we were talking like three hours, then we eat, later we saw a movie, and then she go to her house. But she promise that she will call me.
And maybe the saturday I will go to the Astrid´s birthday parT, If I go I tell u later what things I do.
Remember: BE HAPPY!!!!!

Sunday, April 17, 2005


Hi, I got to tell you some things, like:
The last saturday I went to the concert of *"Juanes"*, and it was great, before Juanes was just an x, but now I love him, in the concert I sing, dance, and I buy a shirt that is very cool, and I will go to my school with it the April 30th. I like a lot of his songs like: La camisa negra, Fijate bien, Mala gente, Damelo, La paga, Nada valgo sin tu amor, Volverte a ver, A dios le pido, Es por ti, Lo que me gusta a mí, Fotografía, etc. The concert started at the 8:00 p.m. and finished at 10:30, and he was very cool with all the people. Sorry but now I love Juanes!!!. And I think that I ´ll go to the red bull cross figthers, but I don´t know.
Yesterday was my brother´s birthday, so we go to Perisur, we eat there, my mother buy him a delicious cake and that´s all.And the next saturday my aunt Rosi, inveted us to a restaurant. And I think I will go to a xv party of my cousin.
On my vacations I do my homework, I play, read a great book, went out wiht my friends and manythings, and it was great, the only bad tihng is that a scorpio atack me.
My exam start tomorrow so I´m studing and doing my homework.
And I think that´s all.

Sunday, February 27, 2005

Frebuary, a Good month

When my brother came, I was very happy, He bought me a movies, tenis-shoes, a game for computer of "Yu-Gi-Oh, Power of Chaos", that is great, and my aunt Mary send me a doll of "The beauty and the beast". And is great, ´cause now I´m not more bored.
The last week where exams, and I was very nervous, but I have good grades, so I´m very happy. Now its 4th Bimester, I´m going to use all my skills ´cause I want to have good notes.
On Cívica we are lerning ´bout "Proyect of life", and I was thinking about what I want to be, but is difficult ´cause I wanna be everything, I wish that you can be everything, or that someone said to you what to be, like: -You have to be a doctor, and I don´t care if you don´t want-. Is more difficult ´cause I want to win a lot of money, and there´s nothing that give you all the money you want, only politic or something with drogs. May be I´ll be a lawyer, scientist, or enginer.
This month is full of birthdays, ´cause the last friday was my mom´s birthday, the last Sunday was my aunt´s birthday (Rosi), today is my aunt´s birthday (Alma), And On FEBRUARY 3RD, WAS MY BIRTHDAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!, and that´s why february is the best month in all the year.
My birthday was great, not like I think, but was great, my friends remember, I have a delicious cake and presents, but the best is that I was with my family.

Sunday, January 02, 2005

New Year!!!!!

My vacations were great:
First I went to a party (Alora & Arantza) I saw my teachers of the elementary school, some friends. Was great!!!!!
Then I went to my cousins party (Lorena), I dance all night with all my others cousins (specially with Lizbeth and Rodrigo), to the party went a lot of people and was very cool. After the dinner of the x-mas even, was O.K. I mean very very special, ´cause I stay with my cousins (Lilian, Diana, Lorena, and Vanesa) and that was great ´cause I "never" talk with them, after the dinner we went out and burned many cuetes, my grandmother are in U.S.A. so I thought x-mas are bored, but it isn´t. X-mas day I talk to my brother, grandmother, aunts & cousins. Later, my uncle (Leonardo) inveted my family to a party so we went, and the party was funny. And on December 31st I didn´t do something interesting ´cause my father was sick, I ony went to eat a restaurant, I saw Dawson´s Creek and I sleep at 10:10, and at 12:00 I only heard the bells and I said wohoooooo but I sleep again. My wishes were: that the new year were good very good for all the world. That everyone be happy. That my life get more emotions. That God forgive us for all the bad things that the humans do. Money. I don´t remember the others, but I think they are the more importants. Happy new year for everyone!!!
But all the time I was in my house (remodel), playing wiht my cousins (Alora and Arantza), playing videogames, talking by phone to my cousins. But was great, and tomorrow I go to the school.

Saturday, December 11, 2004

My Brother Dani (the best)

DANI is the best brother in all the world; he´s a little angry sometimes, but the rest of the time he´s happy, he always help me, and stay with me when I don´t finish my homework or when I want to see a t.v. program, he always play with me, he is my best friend, and in all my memories he is there, HE IS MY HEROE, he is very intelligent, handsome and funny; that´s why he is the best brother in the world, HE IS ONE OF THE 3 PERSONS THAT I WANT MORE THAN NOTHING and that´s why in one hand I feel very sad, ´cause my brother went to E.U.A at the 7:30 a.m., and I miss him a lot, I was all the day bored, and I don´t saw him until January 22nd, the only that I like ´bout that is that my parents give me more things. Today I wake up at 4:30 a.m., because we had to went with my brother to the airport.
When we arrived to my house, I can´t sleep, so I play nintendo at 6:50 a.m., then I brakefast, I saw a movie, I read, I eat, now are 5:45 and I´m writing that and visit other pages on internet.
But in the other hand I´m very happy, ´cause Tomorrow I think my family and I will go out of my house, then my best friend invite me to one exam that she had, my aunt (Rosy) will come to eat at my uncle´s house (Saúl) (he lives near to my house). I only have to go to the school three days, and then I´m free, that´s great ¿don´t u think that?. And the XV years of my cousin are in one week.
I think that´s all. Writing u later, and don´t forget that... u are 1 of my best friends.

Thursday, December 02, 2004

Things On December

There´s many things I have to write, like:
-My exams starts the next monday. That´s no terrible, but I don´t like the exams.
-My classmates and me will going to act a pastorela
-First I will going to sleep a lot
-Then I will talk to all my old friends
-I will write to you
-My grandmother will go to Arizona that saturday, my brother the next saturday, and my favorite aunt (Rosi) the next saturday after my brother. And because my grandmother go to visit my aunt, will not be X-mas dinner and that make me feel sad.
-The 18th or 19th (I don´t remember) will be the 15th years of my cousin (Lorena).
-In X-mas night my mother will invited my aunt (Toña) to my house, and then we will go to my aunt´s house.
I think that´s all.
O.K. Writing u later